HIIT Workouts Are Proven To Show Success For Your Health

Did you know that one minute of intense exercise is comparable in its physiological effects to forty-five minutes of moderate exercise? It’s true, according to findings from a study done on interval training at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.1 The research was the subject of review in a recent New York Times article.2 For details about the study, click here.

The findings are interesting and beneficial to those who don’t have 45 minutes or an hour of time per day to dedicate to exercise. The research suggests that one can reap benefits from just a single minute of arduous exercise. Thus, any exercise, even short bouts of it, is beneficial to health and, thus, recommended. Live Light Live Right encourages participants to exercise and provides a variety of supervised exercise programs designed to meet the different needs of program participants. To learn more about scheduled exercise classes, be sure to check out the Calendar of events.


  1. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0154075
  2. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2016/04/27/1-minute-of-all-out-exercise-may-equal-45-minutes-of-moderate-exertion/?ref=health&_r=0