Our Participant of the Month: Brandon Veloz


Brandon Veloz has a success story that he would like to share with you. When Brandon was 7 years old, his mother was looking at pictures of Brandon.  She noticed that something was not quite right. Brandon was gaining weight.  His mother searched the Internet to find help for Brandon, stumbling upon the Live Light Live Right program. That was 5 years ago.

Brandon is now 14 years old and sticking to his plan of healthy eating, staying active and exercising with Live Light Live Right.  At first, Brandon admits it wasn’t easy. Brandon’s mom said that he loved to eat things like Pop Tarts, whole fat milk, Mc Donald’s and soda. Brandon’s mom says that meeting with Dr. Marshel, the nutritionist with Live Light Live Right, helped educate her on the right types of food and snacks to give Brandon. Overall, Brandon’s mother said that it was a family affair. Brandon’s grandmother started purchasing 2% milk, and Brandon’s mother stopped buying junk food and cut out the soda and juice.

Now Brandon keeps active by attending Live Light Live Right, football, and a sailing academy. He is an avid food label and anime/manga reader. He hasn’t played X-box in four months, preferring to remain active in school and doing physical activities. Brandon says he feels more positive and confident about himself now than ever before.

Keep up the awesome work, Brandon!