healthy food

Fiber is Your Friend!

Eating lots of fiber in your food will help you weigh less and be healthier! How?

  • Fiber makes you feel full so you eat less
  • Fiber helps move food through your body and get rid of waste
  • Fiber can make your heart healthier by lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol

Where can you find fiber?

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Breads, cereals, and pastas that are whole wheat or whole grain
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Brown rice
  • Popcorn (just skip the butter & salt!)

Healthy Cooking Demos

Live Light Live Right is delighted to partner with and promote, Healthy Cooking with Chef Karen Cherfils & Sous Chef Fiona Adams

Begins July 22nd through August 22nd

Every Wednesday at 5:30 pm

Every Saturday at 12 pm

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 889 9653 4634; Password: 537709

To Dial-In:+16468769923; Meeting ID: 889 9653 4634; Password: 537709

No registration required