Join Us Every Saturday 11:55 am- 1 pm. Tune in Saturday, August 22nd, for some tasty Snack recipes!
Joining info: meet.google.com/uqo- |
Joining info: meet.google.com/uqo- |
Begins July 22nd through August 22nd
Every Wednesday at 5:30 pm
Every Saturday at 12 pm
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.
Meeting ID: 889 9653 4634; Password: 537709
To Dial-In:+16468769923; Meeting ID: 889 9653 4634; Password: 537709
No registration required
Please share it with anyone you know!!!!
Deadline in 2 days! Share! Age 14-24
NYC will pay youth $1,200 to take online courses this summer. Click here to learn more.
For further information or to set up an appointment with Dr. Tena please call her at (718) 270-7694.
As long as poverty, injustice and gross inequality persist in our world, none of us can truly rest.
Live Light Live Right supports the American Academy of Pediatrics statement and acknowledges the inequities that exist within the communities we serve.
“The killing of George Floyd and the subsequent protests across the country have laid bare the nation’s legacy of racism and discrimination and the ways it harms all members of our communities. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) condemns racism of all forms, and notes that even vicarious racism – witnessed through social media, conversations with friends or family, or media images – harms children’s health.”
Please join us in this appeal to to address racism, injustice and oppression in our society and country
Happy Mother’s Day to all the strong women we know.
While you are practicing social distancing, you can stay fit at home. Take a look at this upper body home workout.
Learn some healthy cooking ideas with Chef Eileen.