Author: livelight

Join Us for the Children’s Sports and Fitness Expo

Join us on June 15 for the 10th annual Children’s Sports and Fitness Expo by BodySculpt of New York. The expo engages children in over 25 sports activities, nutrition clinics and health screenings – all totally free.  Live Light Live Right, a partner of BodySculpt New York, will provide the screenings. Through this event, families get exposed to activities, programs and services that will help them to become more physically fit, reducing the risk of obesity in their lives.

Body Sculpt of New York is a not-for-profit health and fitness organization. The organization’s mission is to combat the obesity problem by providing families with the tools to live a healthy lifestyle through education and the promotion of a culture of physical fitness, healthand proper nutrition. In 2004 the organization created the Children’sSports and Fitness Expo.


Raquel’s Thoughts on Health and Weight

Raquel Allen

Live Light participant Raquel Alen wrote a wonderful article for her school newsletter. We were so impressed by how eloquently she spoke about weight and health. We just had to share it. 

Part of being healthy is getting to and staying at a healthy weight.  I am not talking about being model skinny either! We’re simply talking about how you can get to a weight that reduces your risk for diseases, like diabetes, in the future. Continue reading →

Feeding Your Newborn: Tips for New Parents


If you are overweight, gained excess weight during pregnancy, had gestational or pre-gestational diabetes, read this. If your baby weighed more than 9lbs or less than 5lbs at birth, read this. These are all risk factors that increase your baby’s risk of developing obesity, diabetes and cardiac risk factors earlier in life.  But you can improve your child’s health now, when he’s newborn.

Here are 8 easy steps to help your baby have a healthier life: Continue reading →

Sign Up for Summer Camp – 5 Years Strong

You might still be wearing a sweater, but summer really is just around the corner. And at Live Live Live Right we are gearing up for our fifth year of summer camp.If you haven’t been to our camp before, you are in for a real treat. We offer trips three times a week including swimming. We offer exciting, educational and fun programs twice a week at our on-site location. And we also offer classes in nutrition, art and cooking. We have surprise events and special guests all summer long. So, join our camp this summer and get ready for fun!

summer camp

Our Participant of the Month: Devi Badri!

Devi Badri

Congratulations to Devi Badri. Our April Participant of the Month. Devi has been with the Live Light Live Right program for 10 years. She shared her story with us this month, telling us about her lifelong journey to a healthy weight. What an inspiration Devi is to us all.

“My name is Devi and I have been overweight almost all of my life. I joined the Live Light Live Right program about 10 years ago when I was only 9 years old. Ever since then I have been constantly trying to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle by following their program.” Read the rest of her story here.

We Have a New Fitness Program!


Live Light Live Right is thrilled to announce a new fitness program location at CAMBA East New York Beacon. The new program is great for two reasons: It will make it easier for our East New York participants to exercise. And, it’s a lot of fun.

Our experienced trainer, Curtis Jackson, is leading a group of kids towards health and fitness with all sorts of fun and challenging games.  If you love having fun but don’t like “exercise” then this is the program for you.  Mr. Curtis is all about games like dodge ball, kick ball and steal the bacon. He has a knack for sneaking exercise into play  so you don’t even realize you’re actually working out!

We started this site to make it easier for our participants living in East New York to get to the program and complete at least two hours of exercise a week.

CAMBA East New York Beacon
900 Van Siclen Avenue
I.S. 166 George Gershwin

Mondays and Wednesdays
5pm to 6pm

If this site is more convenient for you please call Rena at (718) 240-8125 or Genella at (718) 240-8325 and they can enroll you at this site.

Just look at the kids moving!




What About Poverty?


Obesity isn’t just about drinking too many Big Gulps. It’s also about poverty. Obesity rates are high everywhere, but in poor neighborhoods they’re even higher. In Brownsville, two out of every three children are obese or overweight, three times the national average. Hold that thought and think about Michael Bloomberg’s failed attempt to ban drinks like the Big Gulp. Perhaps if he had looked at obesity as a public health issue and not a problem of bad behavior, he would have won more support, according to an article in The New York Times. Continue reading →

Knowing When to Put a 7-year-old on a Diet

Too young to diet

Dara-Lyyn Weiss’s daughter Bea was seven when a doctor told her the child was obese. In a year, Bea gained 23 pounds and her blood pressure had gone up. For Weiss, the news was a health crisis and she put her daughter on a calorie restricted diet and immediately evoked the wrath of parents who saw her actions as extreme and unnecessary. Continue reading →